The bar goes retail
That’s one Gin Rickey coming right up, and I’ll wrap up the spotted dick to go.” For some forward-thinking operators, selling specialty groceries is a unique way to boost the bar tab and make themselves a retail destination as well. But it takes more than just tacking up a few shelves of merchandise to grab those take-away retail sales. How do you make it work?
Making a list and checking it twice
The holiday season offers many opportunities for fun, goodwill and lots of business. But behind the glamour of hospitality, there needs to be some basics to keep things running smoothly.
Restaurants have served wine out of bag-in-boxes for years, stealthily siphoning the stuff into glasses—behind the bar and out of sight. Now winemakers are putting premium varietals in single-serve aseptic packages. And they’re hoping you’ll warm up to the idea of setting down the “juice boxes” right out there on the table.