Reality Check

Peter Romeo

The blog from award-winning journalist, RB Editor-at-Large Peter Romeo. Peter taps into his decades of experience covering the restaurant business at a variety of publications to discuss any number of issues related to the operations and general direction of restaurants.


RB Reality Check: My conversation with Howard Schultz

Long before he was a potential candidate for the Oval Office, the force behind Starbucks provided an up-close indication of what he was like when the cameras aren't recording. Here's that personal recollection.


Why casual dining should listen to consumers instead of Jonathan Maze

The problem isn't oversupply. It's under-demand.

Utterances had intent listeners doing a double take. Here's why heads were turned.

Restaurants found themselves knee-deep in the swamp of politics and social controversy this week. Here are the gloppy details.

New York City operators push back with an angry-sounding manifesto for Mayor Bill de Blasio.

As if supply and demand weren’t enough of a labor problem for restaurants, along comes a pummeling from unions and their fellow travelers, including the vote by a Burgerville unit's staff to unionize.

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