
New restaurant equipment and back-of-the-house technology

Restaurant franchisors push for fix of tax bill glitch

A provision of the measures currently before Congress has the unintended effect of denying some midsize companies one of the intended breaks.


5 pitfalls to avoid when opening a concept in a grocery store

Getting an emerging concept into a grocery store can be a smart—and relatively low-cost—way to build brand recognition and, potentially, add a retail channel. But challenges can abound.

The fast-casual brand is said to be launching a consulting service for other restaurants.

Foam can be a sign that it's time to replace your oil, Advice Guy says.

The fast-casual burrito chain plans to divert 50% of its waste away from landfills by 2020.

Here’s a look at five areas where franchisees with leverage are finding wiggle room in franchisor contracts.

The burger giant's long-range growth plan is intended to bolster takeout and delivery sales in a big way.

Why franchising feels like being a mother with 300 children.

The old-school lunch counter is undergoing a rebirth. The luncheonette design makes smart business sense in an ever-challenging restaurant economy.

Several equipment companies have revisited holding technology and design. Improvements and upgrades are turning out hot foods that are pretty close to fresh-cooked.

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