Jonathan Deutsch, Ph.D.

Articles by
Jonathan Deutsch, Ph.D.

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How do I boost slumping January bar sales?

Dry January is making this bar owner's slow season even slower than normal. Advice Guy offers some solutions.


How do I find on-trend items to add to my restaurant's menu?

Advice Guy: Restaurant expert Jonathan Deutsch provides some suggestions for a chef looking for on-trend items to keep their menu fresh.

Advice Guy: Restaurant operations expert Jonathan Deutsch weighs in on a debate between a server and a manager over whether someone's bad salad deserves a free meal.

Advice Guy: Restaurant operations expert Jonathan Deutsch dishes on the options for kitchens to run without costly vent hoods.

Advice Guy: Restaurant operations expert Jonathan Deutsch cautions against "nickel-and-diming" guests, despite their frequent substitutions to their breakfast order.

Advice Guy: Restaurant expert Jonathan Deutsch recommends some ideas for a cocktail bar owner who wants to give his workers industry-related books as holiday gifts.

Advice Guy: Restaurant expert Jonathan Deutsch dishes on the all-important question of how to hold hot mac and cheese so it doesn't turn to goop.

Advice Guy: Restaurant expert Jonathan Deutsch questions whether owners can, or should, allow their bartenders to take the shots customers buy for them.

Advice Guy: Restaurant operations expert Jonathan Deutsch discusses how to deal with a toxic kitchen employee.

Advice Guy: Restaurant expert Jonathan Deutsch takes on the question of whether an operator should simply add non-alcoholic cocktails on its drinks menu while doing away with the term "mocktail."

Advice Guy: Restaurant expert Jonathan Deutsch gives suggestions to help a bakery owner create a system to help staff properly convert recipes to different sizes.

Advice Guy: Restaurant expert Jonathan Deutsch discusses the challenge of keeping recipes confidential when your cooks have to make the menu items.

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