1. Chick-fil-A
Service/Hospitality: 75.4%
Ambiance/Appearance: 61.9%
Food/Beverage: 60.8%
Takeout/Convenience: 69.5%
Value: 56.2%
Overall Score: 62.9%
The chicken chain is rolling out more than a nontraditional business model. In 2018, the chain tested both a Frosted Key Lime drink and a mac and cheese side option. Yet even as it innovates, the chain prioritizes the experience, scoring top marks in the “service and hospitality” category with consumers. It’s little touches that win with guests, from catering to parents by setting the table inside with orders placed via the drive-thru, to having staffers grind pepper tableside for dine-in customers.
Part of that attention to detail at the store level may stem back to the chain’s nontraditional partnership model: It develops and owns all of its restaurants but brings in local operators to manage each unit.
It’s also the brand’s emphasis on the guest. The chain updated its loyalty program in August, switching to the Chick-fil-A One tiered membership program, in which customers earn points with every purchase for the opportunity to earn rewards. It may contribute to the fact that far more than half of consumers rate the chain’s value as “very good.”