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the blog for soft pastel art lovers

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15 Minutes To Paint En Plein Air In Cayman

15 minutes to paint? Yes, it’s possible! See how I skipped my usual thumbnail sketch (😱), grabbed my pastels, and made the most of a fleeting plein air moment.

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Susan Ellis, Green Sled, 2023, soft pastels on Pastelmat, 16 x 22 in. Sold - feature image

Susan Ellis – The Art of Clamming

Artist Susan Ellis paints the clammers of coastal Massachusetts. She shares her process and her love of painting these figures working in the mud.

极速赛车168开奖官网最新结果 Notes from readers:

"...I am truly grateful for the work put into this newsletter. The content is always inspiring and helpful in my own journey with pastels...Thanks Gail for all your work!"
" ...always inspiring and helpful in my own journey with pastels..."
"I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts, from sharing your own work & process to the wonderful artists you feature! I always come away inspired!"
Beth K
"...Your spirit comes through your own love of the artists you highlight. Love this site so much."
"... when I see your email in my in-box, I feel excitement and joy that I can see and read about my own love of pastel painting through yours and your wonderfully-presented artists and work. Your spirit comes through your own love of the artists you highlight. Love this site so much.
Anita L. B.

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Headshot of Gail Sibley

Gail Sibley

Artist. Blogger. Teacher.

My love of pastel and the enjoyment I receive from teaching about pastel inspired the creation of this blog. It has tips, reviews, some opinions:), and all manner of information regarding their use through the years – old and new. Please enjoy!

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Pastel Painting En Plein Air

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